Saturday, August 6, 2011

Out of My Comfort Zone

I have always heard you need to step out your comfort zone to grow as a person & artist.

Well I am officially taking a small step in that direction.  I have knitted for several years now.  I am always told, " You should enter that in the fair."  And I always answer with "I might just do that."  All the time thinking, "Are you kidding me! Open my self up to be judged?"  Today I am taking the red shawl to be entered in a fair.

Now I sell my weaving & felted works all the time. I don't know why I am so hesitant to be critiqued on the knitting.  I guess because I figure if someone is buying it.....then they like it.  That's all that matters.  But to be judged is definitely out of my comfort zone.

I will keep you posted on how well I survive this.

Till next time.

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